In a message dated 3/26/2004 9:47:52 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Our faith should not rest in Church history. Why do you say that
God's grace and the blood of the lamb are the answer to all the mess. Do you think that
God will validate all of the things you mention above anyway?   judyt

God's grace and the continual flow of he blood do not validate sin, my dear.  But, of course, you know that.   God through Christ does not justify sin, but He does justify the sinner.   Now that we have cleared that up, something about the point I was making in the email.  The professing church is no place for open questioning and heart felt debate.    It does not have the mentality for spirited disagreement.   And those who disagree have never been in a running debate that placed them on the nontraditional side of the issue.    The church has no idea how to handle those who come to the "wrong" conclusion.   Apparently the blood of Christ protects from moral failing but not from wrong doctrinal decisions.   There is much I could say as an indictment against the church.   But, of course, God knew that the church would fail if the standard of measurement was right acting.    His plan for saving man from himself is one that works even when man does not   --  even when His church does not.   Paul put it this way -- it is before our own master that we either sand or fall and we will be made to stand  (kind of Romans 14:4).  I get a little ticked when I speak of the professing church  --  but God does not and my opinion does not count.   So, yes, God solved the problem.  He does exactly the same thing for you and me.   I am no better than the church I complain against.  

Hopefully this helps you to understand at least my point of view.  

John Smithson

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