Seems they have the same thing the LDS have They do not want to hear it so they try to make you shut up. I think this happened in the bible a time or two.  

Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Right on.....
You know Kevin I can understand receiving a lot of flack out on the street
preaching to unbelievers, in SLC, or in my case with my unbelieving family and
other unbelievers.  What I find tragic  on TT is that on a list like this where most
people claim to be serving the Lord one finds the same resistance to God's
Word and some are just as mean or meaner than the ones out on the street
How does this figure?  jt
From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Well I guess Jesus should rewrite Mark 16
Todays 21 first century version:
Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to those that want to hear it

In a message dated 3/28/2004 2:48:56 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

This is a public list and you are choosing to be here

Why do you communicate with Izzy?  Do you actually think you are accomplishing some good addressing your thoughts to someone who is not listening to you?   I  don't mind the discussion with you, but Izzy does.  the scriptures teach that we are not to "seek our own."   Love does not seek its own way or will.   Izzy does have a delete button.   And you have instruction from God on how to show respect to others.   Why not practice what you preach instead of insisting on your "rights" as a member of a public list.   


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