Well Blaine:
According to scripture on the last day we are going to be judged according
to the Words Jesus spoke.  These are not the same Words your BofM teaches
So how will you get around that?  Jesus said the gate is strait and the way is
narrow and only a few are going to find it. I know you've heard all this
before but Mormonism adds to God's Truth making it something other than
the faith ONCE delivered to the saints.  Some on this list who profess to be
believers may encourage you in this deception... they are not the ones who
really care for your soul.
From: "Blaine Borrowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Blaine:  I keep wondering, when people say I am not a Christian because I am a
Mormon, if they even know what they are saying.  It seems to me they haven't really
thought anything through, they are just parroting what they have heard someone say.  
Am I a Muslim?  Nope, I do not worship Mohammed, or believe Mohammed was a
prophet.  Am I a Jew?  Nope, I believe the Messiah arrived as Jesus Christ.  Am I an
Atheist?  Nope, I believe in God.   Do I believe in and worship Jesus Christ?  Yup. 
So I must be a Christian.  If you still don't believe this, please tell me your reasoning
--but withold your biases, as I am not interested in noisy nonsense or insulting word-offal.

In a message dated 3/27/2004 5:04:17 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

jt: Where would you come up with an idea like that?  You can not be Mormon/Christian
any more than you can be Jew/Christian.

Regarding the Jew/Christian thing:  read Acts 21.   More than that  -- virtually all of Paul's problems in the church was caused by a brand of legalism called Judaism.
Alexander the copper smith was probably a Jew/Christian.  I personally believe that Alexander was yhe reason Paul was prosecuted unto death  (Alexander has cause me much harm).  Evidence of the Jewish church is abundant in both Romans and Hebrews.   It is just very short sighted to NOT see the Jewish/Christian church in the biblical message.   It is actually everywhere.   

Anyway  --  I have to clean the pool.   It is a great day here in Fresno.

John Smithson

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