

I can understand your reasoning below. But may I have permission to insert two comments?


1) Jews can certainly remain Jews as believers in Messiah Yeshua. Jesus was and still is the Jewish Messiah. Many Jews today can and do know Jesus as Lord. We might call them “Christians”, but they still consider themselves to be Jews. (Like Paul himself.)


2) However, I think mormons have a simple misunderstanding of who Jesus is. They have been taught that He is the brother of satan, one of many gods, and that mormons themselves are morphing into gods just like Jesus did, etc. They cannot be followers of the real Jesus because they have been given the wrong “Jesus” to follow; not because they don’t have all the “right” doctrines on non-critical issues. (But the Lord can continue draw truly seeking hearts which, hopefully Blaine has.)


Do you think I’m all wet? J




Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] God in our unconscious


In a message dated 3/28/2004 2:17:45 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

tell me your reasoning

i don't know if my bias and my reasoning can be separaed but, as I used to say in book sales, "here goes nothing."   I believe the biblical message teaches clearly that you, Blaine, are saved by faith apart from being right.   Your faith in Christ and the church you are aligned with are two different things to me.   To the others on this list,  Bill, Izzy, and all, I am open to discussion on this.   Back to Blaine.   Understand that I am not proclaiming you a part of the saved.  That's not my job. in this case. If you are saying that we are brothers in Christ, I can accept that.   You will understand, of course, that accepting you and accepting Mormon teaching are two different things.   But I accept Catholics without accepting the Roman Church.   Paul accepted those who continued to follow Judaism and Christ.  Are you and I brothers?  


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