From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gold that glitters: His wife's fortune.
Nader would be a better choice than either but he ain't got
a snowball's chance..Lance
jt: He had money before he married the Heinz heiress and
from what I hear around me he is quite arrogant about who
he is.  George W. comes from money and Eastern Establishment
also but is more down home only he and his dad are Bonesmen. 
I haven't checked Nader's pedigree but by the time any of them
who can make it domake it they are compromised. There are
as yet no squeaky clean people or perfect system but I have
hope because the perfect ONE has promised to return and
instute a righteous government.  judyt

From: Judy Taylor
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
RESPONSIBILITY? No, of course not as you're not in the
gov't you just voted the gov't in. Assuming the president's
testimony to be true he reflects the "depth" of evangelical
thought in the US of A I'm sorry to say. Who knows maybe
IVP will get the rights to his memoirs when Kerry knocks him
off his "cat bird seat" later this year. Lance
jt: Don't be so quick to judge the situation Lance. I don't know
that any one person reflects evangelical thought in the US or
even that they have much "depth" of thought these days in light
of the success of Gibson's movie. George W. says he is born
again and it's our duty to pray for him - right?  Also don't be
gullible and accept everything you hear about Kerry; all that
glitters is not gold.  judyt
From: Judy Taylor
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
JT says: We are the ones who are at war.
How right you are Judy. Given the militaristic bent of both
your President and your country there's no question about it.
Given the "doctrine" of preemption (Iraq) there's little question
as to why you "guys" are perceived globally the way you are.
I know it's just a film but have a look at Michael Moore's
"Bowling for Columbine" for a clear demonstration of your
"love affair" with weaponry. Lance
jt: I was speaking of the spiritual warfare Lance; I don't take
total responsibility for what the President does, I pray for him.
ATST I wonder why the whole world is down on the US.
Surely you arn't naive enough to think Islam and terrorism
will go away if we put our head in the sand are you? Was it
Charles Martel who pushed them back before they took over
the whole of Europe? I for one am not enamoured with burkas
or anything Islam.  I notice Australia and Scotland have the
same anti US bias as you do and have to wonder how so?
Although in a poll the majority of Australians favor leaving
their troops in Iraq until it is all finished.
PS: Just a note to remind you that Graham Bull was not
an American citizen.  judyt
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I suppose I should whisper when commending a book but,
I appreciate some of what Gregory A. Boyd has written to date.
(2 on Spiritual Warfare, Several on "Openness" Theology) Lance
jt: What is so good about his books?  I notice he is published by
IVP but that in itself is no recommendation; one of his books is
titled "God at War?"  Who is God at war with?  The title piques
my curiosity because God could end it all in a NY heartbeat.
We are the ones who are at war.
In a message dated 3/29/2004 6:08:39 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
"Repenting of Religion: Turning from Judgment to the Love of God" Gregory A Boyd July 2004  Might be helpful?
Lance  -- what is this reference?   I am cleaning up my mail box and I have no idea.  

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