David: Were you and, are people globally born with veridical access? Lance
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: May 17, 2004 09:20
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Land of the Free

> Lance wrote:
> > I believe that you've just illustrated how
> > the conscience becomes socialized.
> No, I don't believe that I have.  I was not a child that long ago.  When
> I misbehaved, I did not do so because my conscience told me too.  I knew
> I was doing wrong.  I acted against my conscience, and the punishment of
> my parents helped me to realize that I needed to follow my conscience.
> I see the same thing in my children.  They know that my punishments are
> helping them to do what is right, to get them to have behavior that
> conforms to the voice of their conscience rather than against it.
> In the past I used a paddle for punishment.  It was very interesting
> that one of my daughters taped a bunch of napkins around the handle of
> the paddle and presented it to me.  She said it was so my hand would be
> more comfortable when I used the paddle.  Note that she did not put any
> padding around the part of the paddle that inflicted pain upon her when
> it was used.
> When she did wrong, sometimes she would bring me the paddle and hand it
> to me to spank her.  She obviously became more sensitive to her
> conscience and learned to heed it.  As she walked according to her
> conscience, she learned that she could avoid punishment and also have
> favor with her parents and with God.  Spankings became fewer and fewer,
> and now I never spank her.  She makes very good moral choices in life.
> I am very proud of her and honored by her.  I am confident that she will
> go into life serving the Lord with all her heart.  Her training has been
> completed.
> Peace be with you.
> David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.
> ----------
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