Lance wrote:
> What does that paragraph mean to you?
> "...its own semantics. That is to say, the referential 
> relations of language must be given priority over 
> syntactical relations, while it is only as syntactical 
> relations are themselves open through their boundary 
> conditions to a controlling center beyond them that they 
> may be meaningfully understood themselves. If syntactical 
> relations can be understood and handled in this way; it 
> is not so likely that we will project the kind of relations 
> that obtain among words and sentences into the objective 
> realities to which they are semantically correlated"

It really does not matter what it means to me, as if it were open to
some private interpretation.  You make it sound like you look at
Torrance as a modern day philosophical poet.  What matters is what the
author meant.  The paragraph above, if taken alone, says nothing.  It
could have been uttered by a madman. 

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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