Lance Muir wrote to Terry:
My hero is neither. From one 'leading authority' to another allow me to suggest that you check out TFT. He's considered  by some, to be the leading theologian in the English speaking world for the 20 century.
jt: So? Who are these "some?" They must not be well known or read because I had never heard of TFT until you introduced him on TT - also what does this have to do with anything since TFT adds a different spin to the Word of Truth? Jesus is the one building His Church.

From someone who is likely to re-elect a sincere but pretty stupid fundamentalist Christian to be the 'world leader' for four more years, I'd say you have not been examining 'horse apples' but eatin 'em.
jt: Just like your mentor you don't take Jesus' words seriously do you Lance?  What does Jesus say about calling your brother "Raca!" (Matthew 5:22) Referring to a professing believer as "stupid or fool" is the same thing. We are told in Romans 13:1 and other places that God lifts up and God brings down.  Our calling as believers is to "pray for them" rather than express uninformed opinions about them lest like Job (see Job 38:2) we be called on the carpet and confronted for our own sin of darkening counsel by words without knowledge.

When one's opinions function with the vacuity that yours do I read them with a smile. I don't need to hit delete. 
jt: There you go again Lance -  I see the truth of God coming from Terry in a spirit of love.

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