Judyt:Amen on the 'hatred' observation. I do, however, believe that there exists genuine 'hatred' , in practice, between believing groups in America.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: June 27, 2004 17:03
Subject: [TruthTalk] Christians and Violence

From: "Wm. Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
jt: The devil ... has on occasion controlled men in positions of authority. Hitler is one example and the Jews pacifistic response to him cost them a lot of lives.
I wonder how many Jewish lives pacifism would have cost if every Christian in Germany would have taken Paul's words seriously and refused to fight in Hitler's army? Maybe when Paul said to Christians, "The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world," he meant it. No, Judy, it was Christian militancy that cost the Jews "a lot of lives." Bill
jt: This would undoubtedly depend on how one defines the word "Christian" - which definition in the case of Germany of the 1930's could never have included the "fruit of the Spirit"; the country was primarily RC and Lutheran both of which "hated" the Jews.  Only one kind of hatred has a part in the Kingdom of God which is "hatred of evil"  judyt
From: Judy Taylor
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 7:02 AM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Christians and Violence
It's not a viable option in the spiritual warfare.  Do you have any examples of how it has helped in the world at large?
The devil is pleased when we make our backs a broad road for him to walk on and he has on occasion controlled men in positions of authority.  Hitler is one example and the Jews pacifistic response to him cost them a lot of lives.  jt
Judy:Pacifissism is a viable option.
From: Judy Taylor
Terry writes:
Still, the real question has not been addressed.  We know what happens when the Lord returns, but what do we do until then?  Do we take our place and kill the enemy if that is what our government decides is right, or do we love our enemy and turn the other cheek?  Does it make any difference if we are the agressor or if we act in self defense?  Can we live to please God and men?  Terry
jt: We judge sin in ourselves and repent of it daily which is the process of sanctification and this will eventually purify our whole being, spirit, soul, and body.  There were many, many Christians in the Navy while we were there, in fact, without the example of their godly behavior I might never have chosen to return.  If our country had gone to war during those years we would have been involved.  So long as we are not the aggressor I don't believe it wrong for our leaders to defend us.  As for Iraq, I know there are those who do not agree but I see it as part of the "war on Terror" a war that still rages.
There are Christian police officers who may some day have to shoot and prison guards who are also Christian. I've done temporary work and have been able to discern believers by their conduct in every place I've been sent to.  They are not the majority but they are there as works in progress and this, IMO, is the way God would have it because these are His ambassadors.  Just ordinary every day people.  I don't think a true believer chooses violence but a man should defend his family and a decent leader defends his people.
Grace and Peace,

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