There is but ONE covenant. The Abrahamic covenant is that ONE. This covenant is fulfilled through Jesus, the obedient Israelite. I totally concur with the 'platonic/gnostic' remark. Gnosticism is present within society at large and, in the churches. 
Sent: August 19, 2004 18:28
Subject: [TruthTalk] It is the law or the spirit. I have no desire to be placed under law -- kinda like Paul

Can I ask a few questions?



  1. Many people claim they are New Covenant believers. Can you specify exactly what that means? Please use the definition of New Covenant as given in Jeremiah 31.31-37, paying close attention to verse 34 and keeping that verse within its most important context.
  2. Why is there a perceived dichotomy between Law and Spirit? This is a Platonic/Gnostic concept that you have swallowed from your teachers who have swallowed it from their fore bearers. In fact, the prophet Ezekiel spoke of a day when HIS SPIRIT would write TORAH on our HEARTS and HE [the Spirit] would give us the means and the heart to actually OBEY! Please refer to Ezekiel 36.26-27. This prophecy was fulfilled in Acts chapter 2. Don’t you have this same Spirit?
  3. Like Paul, I would hope you would have this kind of testimony at the end of your life: [Read Acts 28.17-18 for an excerpt of his testimony, keeping in mind the words found in Hebrews 10.28].


-- slade




-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 2:51 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Christians' authority over nature

I am a New Covenant Christian. Regarding the Law,  I understand it's usefulness as expressed in Rom 3-7 and the Galatian letter (among other scripture)  "Torah" is not a word glorified in any of the Christian assemblies I attend.   I have never had any trouble with the definition of sin  -- New Testament scripture presents ample definition.   It is the law or the spirit.   I have no desire to be placed under law  --  kinda like Paul. 


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