From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Jt:You acknowledged both your allegiance to and dependence upon both some time back. They've obviously mentored you extensively.
Hey if you want to put me in someone's mentoring box - there have been a long, long, list.  I like to read and I listen to tapes also so I've about run the gamut in 30yrs (from 1975 until now).  You either don't listen Lance or you think what I have to say is of no account because I have said over and over and over again on this list that the one lesson I have learned in my walk with Christ has been to put everything I read or hear taught on a BIG SHELF until the Holy Spirit shows it to me in God's Word.  Get that???  Shows it to ME.  Not Schofield, and not Dake.  ME...judyt
You don't have to get defensive about it. Most have been taught the 'doctrines of men' by someone(s). These are yours.
I find it a bit of an affront to have to say the same thing over and over and have you act like I never said it the first time Lance. This is the kind of treatment that fuelled the "woman's movement"
I do believe you to be occasionally well-intentioned. On matters personal you always are...
How patronizing Lance ...
On matters interpretive and exegetical; you're skewed by your teachers.
I have but one "teacher" who is the Spirit of Truth and when I do miss it He gets me straight - but apparently you do not accept this because "my truth is different from your truth" Am I right???
I'm most attentive when you speak of Jenna and of your daughters. These matters are both personal and universal.
Personal and universal???
We're all dealing with some things akin to these...I'm least attentive to Judy the 'teacher' 
Yes, we all come from the same root and so must deal with some of the same fruit.  I find it sad that you discount so much but then that is not my problem and apparently I am not part of the answer....  At least not an answer you would be willing to receive.     jt
Sent: August 19, 2004 07:08
Subject: [TruthTalk] Soul & Spirit?

The really "sad" thing is that you refuse to deal with Truth.  You must continually try to categorize, card file, etc. Why don't we agree to deal with scripture exclusively - leaving off what everyone says.  When have I ever quoted Schofield or Dake and when have you ever taken me to task for same.  You throw out these generalized criticisms that are totally irrelevant unless you can correct by scripture rather than inadvertently according to TFT.  jt 
Linda:I do for the reasons cited:soul (philsophical), spirit (poor exegesis). Judy's is a common misapprehension on both. Judy does some great research. Judy quotes scripture extensively in an attempt to support teachings gleaned from Dake & Scofield (sadly). But, I do believe her to be well-intentioned (occasionally).


Lance, I am curious to know if you still believe that Human Beings do not have either a soul or a spirit, in spite of Judy’s Biblical evidence to the contrary. Izzy


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