Sadly this is truev and the reason for same is outlined in Romans 1:18-32.  Because of our fallen natures mankind is deluded into doing our own thing and calling it good.  You seem to put a lot of stock in the Abrahamic covenant Lance. Do you know why God chose Abraham?  Because he knew he would instruct his children (Genesis 18:19); this is the responsibility of every parent.  God's law is the plumbline for judgment and justice (then and now) - whether or not you think it applies to you matters not. It will Judge you in the last day regardless. jt
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I believe the 'conscience' is 'constructed' socially. I do not believe that the 'conscience' of humankind is informed by God.
Romans 1.12-16 – a passage rather hard to encapsulate in a quick note.


I think v.12 speak of those who live outside the framework of Torah. I.e., “without the Law” -or- “under the law”  = “outside the framework of Torah”


In v.13, hearers of Torah (rather than readers, because of the rarity of Torah scrolls at the time) learned and memorized Torah when it was read aloud. However, if they refused to do what it said, they are sinners who will eventually die sinful.


Verses 14-16 are quite a mouthful. To stress the importance of deeds over head-knowledge of Torah or status as a Jew, Shaul pointedly speaks of Gentiles, who by definition don’t have Torah but nevertheless do naturally what Torah requires, as being for themselves already Torah because their lives show that the conduct Torah dictates is written on their heart. That non-Jews have knowledge of the eternal moral Law of God set forth in Torah is further proved when they come to explicit and conscious faith in God – on a day when God passes judgment on people’s inmost secrets, which, (according to the Gospel as Shaul proclaims it and as Yeshua Himself proclaimed it) he does… through the Messiah Yeshua. On the day people come to faith they at last admit God was right and they were wrong. Some of their behavior may prove not blameworthy, so that their consciences sometimes defend them; but some of their behavior they will then perceive is falling short of God’s standard, and their consciences will accuse them.


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of ShieldsFamily
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 5:31 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Christians' authority over nature


I only wish we could get commentary from Slade and David Miller on this scripture.  I think you would find a whole different set of “eyes” seeing the meaning here. Izzy

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