Izzy responds in blue:




As I perceive you, you are perhaps the biggest ideologue on this forum (in a

political sense - others are ideologues in a theology sense). 


If so, I have no problem with that.  In fact, if that’s what I am it must be good.


An advocate of a particular ideology, especially an official exponent of that ideology




appearances you are for a one party system desiring to throw democracy out

the window. You have no idea what you are talking about. I have NO desire for a one party system.  I love Democracy, and I know it is a God-given blessing to be able to vote. Those who don’t vote are sinning in my opinion. Voting with no choice is hardly a thrill.


 You seem to be unable to perceive any 'right' in the 'left'. Not at this moment in time; at least not on any issue of importance.  The Left has demonized itself.  I refuse to compromise with that evil. Have you ever studied the French Revolution? Those were Leftists who forbade any religion and ruled with the guillotine. They have not changed since then. Read what they did and you will find the agenda eerily similar today. I have never seen such demonic hatred towards Believers and righteousness as I see in Leftists today.


You demonize the left while ignoring the many (and well documented) sins of

the right. The “sins of the Right” do NOT include mass genocide of the unborn—the rest is small potatoes compared to that. You and Lance bring up ridiculous charges which are never ever ever documented or followed through to a logical conclusion. I cannot take any of your predictable charges seriously because you show no ability to intelligently discuss a single issue.  You just throw out insults and think that is an intelligent argument. I am bored with your blanket insults.


Read the quote again.  Note Bill's carefully chosen words of

being blinded 'by the light on the right or the left'.  Note why Bill also

dislikes being called a Conservative (I could give you lots of examples of

him expressing this if you wish - I have all of his books).  He attempts

(not always successfully in my opinion but at least he attempts it) to view

his world not through a political view but through a moral view.  This is

why while he favours Bush over Clinton he still has many criticisms for/of

Bush and his party. I have stated clearly that I do not agree with every Bush policy by any means.  Too much spending; not enough border control, etc. But I agree with him on the big ones.


 He is one step ahead of you.  I will quote the last

portion again as I feel it is extremely important:

"The antidote to this is to reject a rigid political philosophy and

discipline yourself to think logically. Gather facts. Facts always look out

for you. And that's a fact." Obviously you think you have done this and I have not. You could not be more wrong. If you want to throw out an issue I will be happy to show you the error of your thinking.  But I am not going to start throwing insults back and forth—which is all I have seen to date from the Lefties on TT. 


Jonathan, I don’t know where you got the mistaken idea that I am a disciple of Bill O’Reilley. I like Bill most of the time (not all!). But I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.  That is why I vote and believe the way I do.


I challenge you to go and read the facts.  Study the left and the right.  Do

it logically.  Think through an issue without labeling it left or right,

liberal or conservative, Republican or Democrat. Jonathan, it is impertinent of you to think that I have not done this. But I if I had never gone further than the most important issue, abortion, that would be more than enough. Any Party/ideology built upon that bloody platform can go directly to hell.


Find out why half (or more

if I go by the current polls) of the country disagrees with you and why

almost the entire world outside of America disagrees with you. 

Jonathan, when will approval of the Lord ever matter to you more than approval by the lost and ignorant masses?
Matthew 7:14
"For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.


The answers

are not difficult to find and they are almost always regarding moral issues.

I thought you were against morality. Don’t pull a Kerry be double-minded. Izzy



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