Michael D: That's a good idea. What are you suggesting exactly? Some clarity to your suggestion may help.

Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
To all 'storm-rebukers':After you've (in God's name of course) accomplished this may I suggest taking on the crisis in the Middle East.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: September 02, 2004 10:33
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Christians' authority over nature

Michael D: Izzy, I am glad to hear that you have taken time to share your stand with us. Personally, I am rebuking the storm and speaking death to it. I am not getting a clear witness from the Holy Spirit about it dying, but I am trying to push the envelope.
I would say, though, that you folks States side need to take up the initiative here to protect the land. That is where alot of the agreement should be pursued. Maybe the folks in Florida and the east coast could commit to some point of agreement, here. Rebuking the storm from approaching your coast and then speaking death to it would be good targets.aid if we speak to the mountain and believe in our hearts that it will be removed, we will have whatever we say. Put him in remembrance. He will know then that you are taking His Word seriously and believing. Find scriptures that build your faith in God's abulity to do this and meditate on them and declare them over the threat. Some may need to fast, too. Remember this is a battle.
I will continue to speak death to it and believe God with you all. I will want to know where you all are pitching as well.
Now, lest anyone is mistaken, I am not a know-it-all, nor the ultimate faith person. I have to fight the fight of faith in this like anyone else and depend on the Holy Spirit to help me through. Searching my heart to see if I have any sin or rebellion is also a critical part of this. I encourage folks to do the same.
Anyway, I would like to hear where folks are on this, Izzy, along with your feedback.
ShieldsFamily <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Michael D,


Thank you for the exhortation, brother!  I will stand with you against this storm.  (Even though I’m a woman, not a man.)  Please share with us exactly how you will pray, because I believe we should pray in agreement.  I always rebuke the storm in the name of Jesus because of, Matt. 8:26 He said to them, "Why are you afraid, [Matt 6:30; 14:31; 16:8; 17:20] you men of little faith?" Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and it became perfectly calm.  How exactly do you suggest we pray? 




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of michael douglas
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2004 5:17 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Christians' authority over nature


Michael D: Folks, here we go again. Another mega threat is heading to the shores of the U.S.  Florida is again in the projected firing line. I really hope that folks will take the things that I have been trying to convey seriously. Last week, twice I felt the Spirit of the Lord witness to me that the reason He has had me sharing along these lines, was to spare His people and those around them the effects of these ravages. I am personally a bit pained to see the current threat loom up. It seems that the enemy has trailed His guns at the U.S. (not exclusively, but most definitely). I encourage you folks to please press the resistance. Resist the devil and He will flee from you.  From what I heard, they are forcasting many more to hit the US this year. I believe that the people of God have the final say with that. Forbid any more storms from coming up.

Let me just say that often I listen to weather reports on local tv and when they forcast stuff, I say within myself, no way. Regularly, the next day they give the 'meteoroligical' reasons for the unexpected occurences, for example, some different wind direction comes and took the precipitation out to sea etc.

Let me give you all a verse that I hope increases our faith and shows how serious God is about this stuff:


Is 45:  11.  Thus saith the Lord, the Holy One of Israel and His Maker, Ask Me of things to come concerning My sons, and concerning the work of My hands command ye Me.
12. I have created the earth and created man upon it: I, even My hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded.


Remember that God said He was looking for a man to stand in the gap and make up a hedge...


I will seek to lend support to any effort to resist the storm(s). Will any one put God in remembrance of His word and make demands on His power?. THere's nothing to lose and all to gain, I would think.

I think God is trying to enforce a paradigm shift here.

A la Judy... Crush the status quo...

michael douglas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

jt: True Jesus came to do good and to heal ALL who are oppressed of the devil. I know faith is important but spiritual discernment is vital also Michael.  If the enemy has a toehold or doorpoint in our lives with our consent then God's hands are tied in that area.

I agree. That's where depending on the Holy Spirit to show us why results are falling short, comes in. I have learned that walking in faith means walking with the Holy Spirit. We must strive to be in close communication with him, so that if we are veering off course, He can correct us. But God's promises are yeah and amen, and He will never say no to something He promised. He can't be doubleminded. In fact He is our Helper, so He will help us to get to the point of faith and receiving if we learn to depend on Him. We have to believe that He will, though, before He will be able to (like everything else with God). '...He that comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him...'

Is this making sense to you at all, Judy, or anyone else for that matter?


My point is that that too often we relegate non results to not being God's will rather that our insufficient application of faith (for what ever reason). Whatever God has provided is unreservedly available to us no questions asked. All Jesus commands is that we abide in Him and let His words abide in us.


jt: Not too many of us (me included) press in like the importune woman.  I know a pastor who will not give up on people with problems and he gets results.  However, he is an extreme minority - the only one I know of like this, if there are others out there I don't know about them.  Do you have some where you are Michael?


In my own life, the biggest hindrance lies right here. A strong faith life requires great spiritual discipline to keep our hearts filled with the word and revelation of Jesus, who is the author of our faith, and remain in a yielded and obedient state before Him. He is the one who said that  then we can ask what we will and it shall be done. God wants us to realize that the only thing that gets done on the earth is what man wills or allows. The enemy works easily with both. God requires the former, that's why He says you ask what you will... The way we avoid missing His agenda is in our abiding/oneness with Him. Then we're in a position to have the mind of Christ.


jt: The devil is shouting much louder in this present world system. He is an oracle of fear in the earth and just about everywhere we look we are encouraged to be fearful about something. Just about all of our TV commercials these days are either pharmaceutical products or exercise equipment... the perils of being fat or sick are in our faces constantly and when we are not being reminded of them we have the threat of storms and/or terrorism.


I think Judy hit the nail on the head:

jt: No attack John, but how about a challenge to the status quo?


jt: Glad we can be in agreement about this Michael.

The reason I've tried to keep this thread alive is to impress upon folks to do just that, Judy and John et al. Challenge the traditional and somewhat casual mindset  and have folks look to a greater measure of grace that is available to us. Faith can move mountains. Too often, though, we settle for molehills and even pebbles. God wants us to come up higher and reign as kings on the earth. That means getting your will done! Having what you desire etc. The check valve is our abiding in him and His word abiding in us. One more scripture here: 2 Cor 1:20 -  'For
all the promises of God in Him are yea and amen unto the glory of God by us'.  Once God promises it, He expects us to believe it no questions asked, for we know that He is not double minded. Failures then fall into our garden, not God's.


jt: Only thing I find conflicting above is the will/desires.  In my understanding things begin to happen when we are so one with Him that His will becomes our will and His desires become our desires.  Until then we may receive a few crumbs but we won't be walking in the kind of faith that moves mountains.

Michael D:Judy, I agree with this. This is why I keep using Jn 15:7 ... We have to abide in Him and have His word abide in us. What I keep trying to stress is that it's man's will that God needs to get His will done. The problem is that we have such a minuscule appreciation for the enorminity of what God's will entails and that He wants to do in and through us, that often folks say God did not do such and such because it was not His will.

For fear of being misunderstood, let me state categorically that I know that that happens, but often God is creditted for our unbelief, "lack of knowledge'  (Hos.4:6), among other things. Paul exhorts us to understand what the will of the Lord is. That's why I have used so many scriptures so we can see from scripture what Jesus and others say the attitude of God is.

How often do we inquire of God as to why something we expected or were believing for didn't happen? Often God will show that we failed to abide in Christ and to press in to the revelation of His Word. 

Would you agree that Jesus gave this promise in Jn 15:7-8 because He really, really meant it, Judy?

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