In a message dated 9/18/2004 7:33:54 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

God thinks you are special.................just like everyone else.

I keep a journal.  In it, I write those things spoken or written by others that have a positive effect on me rising to the emotional level of "wow !"  

When I get down in the mouth, I go to this journal.   I have found that the words recorded on those pages have exactly the same effect on me --  the "wow" factor  --  as they did the moment they came my way.  

Terry  -- you made the journal.   Congratulations. 

Your comment above will be immortalized along side

"11/24/98 -  Pain is manditory, misery is not.    Jody and Richard."

"11/20/99  -  While talking to Jim Sheets, he mentioned the hard times he eas experiencing.   He kind of read God the riot act and added  --  'I let know know just exactly how I felt.  But he would not accept my counsel." 

"5/10/98 - A primary goal in life should be to live a fulfilled life in spite of unfulfilled expectations.  Steve Spencer." 

8/12/00 on my wifes' computer screen (I had just met her)  --  "Love is a passion for oneness.."  


Your wife has great wisdom.  Her comment should go to the top of the page.

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