On Thu, 21 Oct 2004 19:52:07 -0400 Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
David Miller wrote:
 Terry wrote:
 Anyone who could keep the whole law would not need a Savior

David M. writes:
Why would someone who kept the whole law not need a Savior?  Are there 
some passages of Scripture that teach this that you have in mind?
Terry writes:
Because if one kept all the rules, onw would not be a sinner.  Moot 
point though.  No one has ever done it.  Terry
I know you won't agree with me Terry but here goes anyway :)
People have done it and Jesus did it.  The reason we so desperately need a savior
is not because of an inability to keep God's Law; it is because we are unclean having
been born in iniquity and sin which we can't get off us without the shedding of blood,
this is what sayeth the Lord.......Without the shedding of blood there is no remission.
Are you implying that we are responsible for our iniquity from the day we were born, or do you think that we are responsible when we are capable of understanding sin?  Terry
I'm saying we are born with an inheritance of sin in the first Adam which causes a breach between us and God, us and others, and us and our own selves (with self criticism, self hatred, etc.) because sin's nature is to divide. It's like being born in a maze with no way out. God's nature is to love and He does love us but it is mostly from afar because He can not look upon, let alone fellowship with sin.  We know from His Word that He made provision for us before the foundation of the world through His Promise to Abraham and until the fulness of time was come He gave Israel (the seed of promise) His Commandments and Statutes along with the Levitical Law which, when they walked in obedience to them, would insure His blessing upon their lives and the lives of their offspring precluding another world judgment like the flood.
The blessings and curses of Deuteronomy 28, 29 are generational but they can be and are reversed when we come to the age of understanding and begin to make the right choices for our own lives (as per Ezekiel 18:20-31) and (Ezekiel 14:14).  A man's household is either blessed or cursed according to where he is walking (Proverbs 3:33). God is merciful and long suffering but He does not bless ignorance.
Do you have a problem with any of the above Terry?  It is the teaching of scripture and God is eternal. He does not change. Obedience is not works.  It is still ALL grace because only God can give us understanding and only He can cause us to walk where we should be walking.  Grace and Peace.  jt


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