God and the 'Scriptures' are not identical.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: November 07, 2004 11:10
Subject: [TruthTalk] Did God hate or love Esau?

From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Were we to apprehend 'the heart of God' through all of the Scriptures on all
matters, God would still be more than our 'apprehension'. Why? God is God
and we're  us.
jt: IOW the secret things belong to the Lord, but what has been revealed is for
us and for our children?
As to 'contradictions': they may well exist within (1) the Scriptures
themselves (possible)?
jt: No.. God does not contradict himself.
 (2) our 'readings' of them (certain).Logic, formally
understood, cannot always be used as an arbiter of apparent contradictions.
jt: What has logic got to do with anything? You really should let go of that Greek
mindset Lance and allow your mind to be transformed by the washing of the

(John 3 'VS' Romans 9).
Provisionally, I believe that John 3:16  more closely reflects the 'heart of God'
than the 'reading' of Romans 9. As Beretta used to say: 'dats da name of dat tune''
jt: You and Beretta just may be dancing to your own tune Lance ... :)
Yes, God loved the world so much that his only begotten son was as a lamb slain
before it's foundation.  However, he does not have stupid stamped across his forehead
(if indeed he has one) and his righteous judgment which can be found from Genesis to
Revelation consistently states that "everyone will reap as they sow" and that "a man is
judged according to what HE does" - (not what Jesus has done) because those who
are righteous DO RIGHTEOUSNESS. (1 John 3:7,10)
John 3:16 and Romans 9 are not contradictory - another truth you will find if you dig
a while is that God loves those who love him and the ones who seek him early find him.
Following the fall when men could care less and continued to become ever more evil
God's spirit quit striving with them and he killed all but 8 of them. Same with the
Amorites when their cup of iniquity became full and but for Moses intercession Israel
would have been replaced also.  The Pharoah and Esau are cut from the same cloth.
God gave that Pharoah as many chances as there were plagues to repent and he kept
hardening his heart. Someone has used Esau's name as an acronym for Every Sensual
Appetite Unleashed. Truth is he cared for a bowl of lentils more than the birthright
which is from God and which is what Jacob coveted and at the end of the day God
loves those who love Him.   judyt

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