Lance wrote:

Were we to apprehend 'the heart of God' through all of the Scriptures on all
matters, God would still be more than our 'apprehension'. Why? God is God
and we're  us.

John chimes in with:  

What Lance is saying is very important.   When all the pontificating is done, 
when the word study books are closed, when the smiles of certainty and the 
reward of knowing all we can know is gone,  we are left with the stark reality 
that "God" is so far above us and beyond us that we must wait on Him before and 
if we will ever really know Him.  Even in His presense (read "heeaven"), He 
will remain the only "being" without a beginning  --  the only creative force.  
Perhaops even then, a part of Him will remian a mystery.   But isn't thais why 
we worship Him  -- becuae He is something that we are not?  

John The Pontif (icator)
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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