I DON'T HATE GEORGE W. BUSH. Jonathan can speak for himself.
As to the other matter I'm confident that God is big enough to encompass both of our understandings.
Let's press on to matters of greater import. 
Sent: November 07, 2004 14:51
Subject: [TruthTalk] Did God hate or love Esau?

Hello? Is there a 'self-referential projectionist' in the house? Are you both (Judy & Linda) meaning to say that when I understand the dictionary's definition of hatred and/or when I understand the nature of your (Judy's & Linda's) hatred that I will then understand God's hatred of anyone or anything??? 
jt: All you need to understand is the meaning of the word Lance and then connect that word with what God says about a lot of activities and people who join themselves with this midset and these actions....'abomination' does not mean love and peace;  and abomination that causes desolation is a curse. If you are having a problem with Izzy's definition below - then just look at your and Jonathan's attitude toward our Commander in Chief. You both, along with many other intellectual types who see him as ignorant and dangerous hate him.... This does not mean that God hates him.  However when God inspires those writing His Word to say something this strong.  Well you have it your way - I'm going with him.

From: "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Lance wrote:

PLEASE answer my query.

Yes, Lance, I have experienced hatred. (Haven’t you?) Please see English definition below: (Since I have spoken with you on the phone I know that you DO speak English, if only with a quaint British-sounding accent. J ) Izzy


Hatred Strong aversion; intense dislike; hate; an affection of the mind awakened by something regarded as evil.

Syn: Odium; ill will; enmity; hate; animosity; malevolence; rancor; malignity; detestation; loathing; abhorrence; repugnance; antipathy.

hatred  : the emotion of hate; a feeling of dislike so strong that it demands action [syn: hate] [ant: love]


ha·tred   Intense animosity or hostility.



Would the word "abomination" be fitting here?  Look at how many times this word is used in scripture.  God views many

things as 'abomination' .. in Isaiah 66:17 the 'imagery' as Lance would call it is akin to eating a mouse. I would say an

abomination is something that God hates... and those who join themselves to this perish along with it..




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