Slade Henson wrote:
Hmm...why then, Terry, does God repeatedly say it was for the "foreigner" among them as well?
You mention feasts, sacrifices, tithing, and Sabbath. Does this mean we no longer need to tithe or keep the Sabbath? What about the feasts? God says this is a forever commandment regarding Passover, throughout all your generations and that it is for the stranger as well. How come for Sukkot, it was done then, but it isn't done now, but it will be done again in the Kingdom? Do we get a break from these wonderful Feasts and times of joy and fellowship? If we're to do what Jesus did, how come He celebrated these Feasts and we don't have to? How come Paul continued celebrating the Feasts and the Sabbath?
P.S. to Kay.  Missed answering a couple of your questions.

Near as I can figure, when a foriegner was among the Jews, he was expected to do as they did.

Jesus kept the law because it was in effect until the moment He said,"It is finished"!

Paul kept the law (at times), because , as he readily admitted, he was trying to be all things to all people, that he might win some to Christ.

I cannot find sukkot in my Bible.

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