I doubt calling someone's apprehension of the unilateral covenant (Read gospel and therefore read Jesus Christ.  We do not divide God's action from God's being.) a pile of dogshit or a man-made story would be the reason the Lord has placed you on this forum.  You may find that the Lord asks you to come and reason together instead of using invective to place yourself above them.  When given the opportunity to identify what you read as both story and shit you bring out a nice little cliche with a not so disguised putdown of Lance.  Perhaps the end of TruthTalk is closer than I thought when one of its longest standing and most respected members degrades the forum in the way you have today.  We have one member (Izzy) who only writes shallow, sarcastic replies designed to tear others down.  We have another (David Miller) who uses logic bullying tactics to declare himself a winner in all debates and has gone so far as to equate his own thought with God's thoughts, and now a member (you) that compares other people's apprehension of what Christ has done for us as dogshit and myth.  David repeatedly states his position that we have emasculated males on this forum.  As one man to another Terry, consider yourself rebuked.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Terry Clifton
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Two Covenants?

Lance Muir wrote:
Brother Terry:
As you do not know whereof you speak I'd suggest a little homework prior to identifying what you read as both 'myth & dog doo doo'. You possess, I believe, an anemic grasp of The Incarnation. When one is nescient of both ancient and contemporary literature on a matter, one is better off  adopting a wait and see mode instead of an attack mode.
Your brother indeed
An old saying, but a true one.  "You get knowledge from college.  You get wisdom from the word".  The two are not the same.  Some people are educated far above their ability to learn.

That is very possibly why the Lord has placed me here to lead you toward what is truly important. :-)

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