That should read:  J The Elder
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 23:08
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Two Covenants?

In a message dated 11/19/2004 11:00:16 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Izzy,
Hope this helps:
Wikipedia defines the TOE as: A theory of everything (TOE) is a theory of theoretical physics and mathematics that fully explains and links together all known physical phenomena (i.e. "everything").
This is a scientific construct designed to encapsulate all of our scientific knowledge.  Lance is asking what the theological counterpart of this scientific theory would be.  Actually he may even be taking a step beyond this.  I think he would say that the scientific theory of everything (TOE) would become a predicate (become part of, or a subset) of the theological theory of everything (TTOE).  What is the meaning of the cosmos, of creation?  We can sum up that meaning in the Person of Jesus Christ.  As we do not separate God's acts from God's being we can substitute the incarnation (God with us in space and time as the Godman, fully God and fully human) for the words Jesus Christ.  Lance is suggesting that we define all that we do and think through the lens of the incarnation.  The incarnation being the focal point out of which we come to understand our lives.  What we tend to do is use our theology to define our lives.  Lance is suggesting that we allow God to define our theology.  Lance goes on to suggest that in order to do this two things may need to occur:
1)  Move past (not ignore) external relations to think of internal relations, or onto-relations as he likes to call them when we speak.  The human person is defined by relationality.  To be fully human is to relate.  Out of these relations comes change and growth.
2)  Indwell the Scriptures.  The Word of God is capable of setting us free.  When we allow God's Word to indwell us in light of who He is we come into this internal relation.
Hope this helps.  Based on what I have said, can you see why Slade's response this morning came out of 'internal relations'? 

Unfortunately my lunch break is over :)
Jonathan Hughes

Good post.  I am thinking that Jonathan and Gary have very large heads.   Me?   I have pretty large arms.   Who do you choose to be in your discussion group?   Ah-heeeemm  -- back to the books.

J The Lesser

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