Jt:Thanks for taking the time, as you always do, to read and, respond in detail. I do appreciate this about you. 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: November 23, 2004 07:23
Subject: [TruthTalk] Unilateral Covenant?

Jt:'And well it (the imagination) should be'???
DearG:Might you be so kind as to provide a 'word' (No, forget that I said A WORD) on the role of the imagination in the life of every human being? You are TT's most imaginative contributor.
jt: Why ask G, I gave up trying to figure out what he is talking about long ago.  He might be a nice guy but he is no communicator, what's the point of talking to yourself on a public list?  Isn't this why Paul did not use sophisticated words of man's wisdom? He spoke plainly using words everyone could understand.
Narrative comprises most of the Older Testament. Jesus employed 'story-telling'. I've come late to the table on this one. Think of Iris Murdoch (philosopher), John Bunyan (Pilgrim's Progress), Les Miserable, Defoe's Robinson Crusoe, Edgar Allen Poe, JRRTolkien's masterful trilogy etc....
Critiquing the imagination? Hello? Where would we be without it? We employ it in virtually every communication we make.
jt: The only one worth anything on the above list IMO is Bunyan. Poe was a cocaine addict taken over by the dark side and as for Tolkien, he was a misguided RC -  I am still kicking myself for being naive enough to buy his trilogy at a Christian Bookstore when our son was 11 or 12yrs old; he was immediately fished into that fantasy world and hasn't come out yet. Hopefully he draws the line at Harry Potter.
Perhaps the TT participlant with the most rationalistic bent is David but, I'd guess he read many great stories to his children when they were 'of an age to be read to'. (David: yes/no Smile David, it's not a 'shot' - I think).
jt: It's advised that we put away childish things, especially those that are destructive and anyway reality in Christ is way more exciting.  Receiving the power to overcome temptation, bondage, and spiritual death rather than to be entertained by it.  judy
Sent: November 23, 2004 06:10
Subject: [TruthTalk] Unilateral Covenant?

From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Suggestion:Combine rationalism with imagination. The role of imagination in
biblical and theological thinking is under rated.
jt: And well it should be lest we find at the end that we are holding to a god of
our own imagination - a figment if you will.

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