DAVE -- Quite frankly, Slade, sometimes I think I am more for keeping the
Torah of
God than you are.  Is that possible? :-)

SLADE -- No. You misunderstand.

DAVE -- Not really. Abraham's obedience benefited his descendants in the
same way that Christ's obedience benefits us.  The disobedience of Abraham's
descendants caused them not to receive the promises and benefits of the
Avrahamic covenant just as our own lack of faith and disobedience would
cause us not to inherit the promises of Christ.

SLADE -- I agree. There is a blessing associated with obedience. I am
referring to our absolute, perfect, participation is required for the
covenant to continue. In other words, even in disobedience and rebellion,
the covenant is still active and in force. That's where the curses come into
play (the curses are designed to effectively bring you back to obedience).
When we look at the Israelis in their Biblical struggles, it's clear that
the curses/blessings are playing an integral part. Even in modern times (the
last 2,000 years), the song remains the same.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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