-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, 10 December, 2004 09.14
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Is Truth always rational?

"Manifestations" are one thing,  three or two distinct beings in the commune known as "God" os another  ----------------  correct?   Your thinking on this? .....  campared to none-Messiahic Jews?

To be honest, John, I have no idea. Some people (not me) see Trinitarians as polytheists who worship three gods. I think this is intentionally rude and divisive. Are the Holy Spirit, Abba, Yeshua, the Angel of the LORD, and etc., distinct beings, distinct faces or facets, or manifestations? I don't know. All I know is there is only one True God. Anything else really is smoke... we can see the smoke but we're unable to fully grasp it... especially when the Hebrew Scripture uses both plural and singular terms to describe G-d in the same sentence.

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