'Doctrine of devils'? What is it with you guys (sorry Iz, gals too) and your
condemnatory speech? I worked taking complaints calls for a time. I observed
that when I lowered my voice the caller most often became less 'inflamed'.

Given that taking a poll on any issue is not a means for determing the
'truth' of a matter, let me ask, David, are you conversant with current
scientific/exegetical literature on this subject? Please provide
illustrations. Just how far back do I have to go in order to determine where
you are in this 'conversation'?
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org>
Sent: January 02, 2005 07:22
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The place of creeds in relation to truth

> Lance wrote:
> > Generally speaking, I believe it a good practice
> > not to ask questions to which you already know
> > the answer. The 'sainted one' of California did not
> > find the answer to his question 'obvious' so, David,
> > why not just answer? Someone, maybe St. John
> > himself, alluded yesterday to a kind of 'gamesmanship'
> > on your part. Funny, but I did the same thing with two
> > others in the last couple of days. If, David, this is a
> > 'game' to you then, let us in it in order that we too can
> > 'play'
> Ah, Lance, you stepped in it big time.  The answer to your query was in a
> previous post to Izzy, where I said that I was going to start giving some
> cryptic answers in the manner that I have received answers.  Izzy was
> complaining about having too work to hard to get answers to questions.  I
> understand her frustration, and I thought if I gave it back, the point
> be made.  You made this point perfectly in the sentence above.
> you and Izzy agree that answers posted here should not be so cryptic.  In
> fact, what you wrote above is one of the most clear, understandable posts
> have ever read from you.  Thank you.
> Alas, Slade has more accurately perceived the folly of my experiment and
> perceives the persistence of a "we" versus "them" mentality if I were to
> follow it.  Therefore, upon the correction of our beloved moderator, I
> repented.
> The answer to why I perceived the evolutionary mindset within you is
> you stated that you believed that the Incarnation would have proceeded
> whether or not Adam had sinned.  This is the evolutionary paradigm, that
> what exists today is greater than what existed yesterday.  The
> paradigm sees the time of Adam as a lesser time, a time when man was
> primitive and weak, but through time, lots of time, small steps lead to a
> greater stage, and so man today exists at the pinnacle of the evolutionary
> process, as the greatest he has ever been.  Today, man lives longer and is
> wiser and will continue to become greater.
> The creationist paradigm is that man was created strong and wise at the
> of Adam.  Adam sinned and thrust man into a pattern of sinning, sickness,
> and death.  Man could never climb back out of this predicament on his own,
> but rather, he needs a Savior.  So the transgression of Adam created a
> for redemption, and part of the work of Christ was to restore man from the
> results of this fall of man.  This is why healing and being set free of
> and death are elements of the gospel of Christ.
> Personally, I believe the evolutionary paradigm is a doctrine of devils,
> which is why I am very curious as to what exegetical problems you perceive
> to exist for the creationist paradigm.
> Peace be with you.
> David Miller.
> p.s.  I thought John was talking about the Israelite, King David, when he
> was talking about gamemanship.  Did I misunderstand you John?
> ----------
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
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