Lance wrote:
> 'Doctrine of devils'? What is it with you guys
> (sorry Iz, gals too) and your condemnatory
> speech?

LOL.  I'm just trying to wake up your passion to explain your views to us!

I certainly did not mean to sound condemning.  I have a more spiritual 
perspective, in which I believe in real demons and real doctrines which they 
perpetuate in our society.  I have a whole list of "doctrines of demons" 
that I have identified through my preaching in public.  Therefore, my 
comment was coming from a simple statement of fact in my mind, not something 
meant to condemn.  It simply points out that I perceive a big problem with 
jumping on the evolutionary bandwagon.

Consider me completely ignorant about how theology and the revelation of 
Scripture teaches evolution.  Oh, I've read some Teilhard de Chardin and 
other things, but please consider all such efforts by me to be rather 
cursory.  I have never been able to get a theologian to explain why he 
embraces evolution except for the answer, "we trust that science is right." 
I will continue to assume that theologians blindly put faith in the 
evolutionist unless you or someone else gives me a better answer.  You have 
come the closest by claiming poor exegesis for the creationist position. 
That is a new one for me, but you will have to establish that assertion in 
order for me to understand what you are talking about.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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