Jonathan wrote:
> The Trinity is the relationship as one of the
> Father, Son and Spirit eternally.  It is who
> God is.  To deny the eternal sonship of the
> Son is to deny the Trinity existing eternally.

I don't think this is true, Jonathan.  The Trinity is defined as the union 
of three persons in a single Godhead.  It does not surmise that each person 
remains exactly the same throughout all eternity.

I assume that you believe that prior to Christ being born of the woman, he 
was not flesh.  Therefore, being born of flesh changed him in some ways. 
Christ himself points to this glory he had before in John 17:5, and 
Philippians 2 indicates that Christ emptied himself, and Heb. 2 says that he 
was made a little lower than the angels.  Does this humbling of him mean 
that the Trinity was abolished?  Of course not.  Therefore, it is 
meaningless to try and argue that if someone perceives the term "Son of God" 
to be referring to his being begotten of God in the flesh, that somehow that 
translates into them denying the Trinity.

What would deny the Trininty is the viewpoint that Jesus did not exist from 
all eternity.  Believing that he existed as God from eternity past, but 
became known to us as the Son of God when he was born of the woman, does not 
deny the Trinity.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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