On Tue, 4 Jan 2005 01:18:07 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Red  =  JD,  judyt - Blue
John are you one of the ones who claimed we humans are merely minds with a body,
(or body and soul only)?
Guess again, miss judy.  
 Moses knew God was the Father of spirits and so did Aaron [See Numbers 16:22; 27:16]
and He is the God of the spirits of the Prophets [Rev 22:6]  

JD: And where does any of this conflict with the sidebar in Heb 12:9 that God of
the father of our spirits?
jt: He would have a hard time being who He is if we the seed of Adam were not created
spirit beings in His image and likeness before the fall.

You look to your own sense of logic and draw a reasoned conclusion that the "image"
has something to do with declaration of how we are as an actual being.  I  use my sense
of logic and draw a reasoned conclusion that "image" has something to do with essense.  
Whose to say,   for sure   (and please don't say, David). 
jt: I don't look to "logic" John, I see what I have written here in scripture, just
because you don't see it right now doesn't mean it is not there or that you won't see it
ever.  I don't see anything about "essence" at all in the whole Bible, must be some
theological construct that comes from the same place as the other doctrines and the
procession which probably led to all the pomp and icons in the RCC.
Not written in stone, I know, but much more likely than the other understanding. 
None of it is absolute.   John

jt: It's absolute so far as God is concerned - The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of
prophecy [Revelation 19:10]. 

JD: You lost me.    I have no idea what you and I are debating right now.  
Bring me up to date.  

jt: Not a debate, merely a statement of fact.
Your facts are not mine   --   that is why I prefer  "debate" 
jt: Not even facts out of the pages of the holy writ?
When the man with the brothers wanted to send more proof to his kin so
they would believe - what was he told? - "they have Moses and the prophets,
let them hear them"  We have a more sure word of Prophecy wouldn't you agree? 
Well, yes  --   but what has this to do with the image of God or Heb 12:9?   
Still lost on this end. 
jt: It has to do with your statement above that "nothing is absolute" What I am
trying to say is that "God's Word" through Moses and the prophets is absolute. 
And so is God's Word through our Lord and Master.

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