In a message dated 1/6/2005 10:11:42 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

John wrote:
>" And Jesus answered and said to him, Blessed
>are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood
>did not reveal this to you, but my Father who is in
>heaven"  (Matt 16:17).  And what was this revelation?
>That He was the Christ, the Son of the Living God.
>But, in all fairness, you did say, in the above, that
>"for the most part  ....."

My point was that generally speaking, for the most part, Jesus did not
DIRECTLY profess to be the son of God.

"Generally speaking, for the most part  ......"  are back to back admissions that there were times when He did claim to be the Son of God.    You need to understand that this is a very serious issue to me   --    why you want to hedge on accepting that Jesus, Himself, did claim to be the Son of God is more than distressing to me.    Accepting that claim is a mark of being a child of God  --    something you know full.  It goes directly to the center of our faith.   Denial of such is a sign of spiritual death.  Why you argue this point is, as a child of God, is beyond me and most certainly a poorly thought out response, on your part.

His humility is not expressed in avoiding to make the claim.   Rather, it is expressed in His willingness to empty Himself and become like us.  Please tell me that you know that Christ made this claim for Himself  --   I know that you accept it.  




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