In a message dated 1/6/2005 10:59:08 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Any time we replace old beliefs with new ones there is the potential of inner tension, a trickle-down effect which takes place as other, yet unchanged beliefs are challenged by the new. This I believe is what John is experiencing/expressing. Hence it does not necessarily have anything to do with some sort of God-sent anxiety on John's behalf, nor need it be interpreted as "red flags" by you; it is just the normal process Christians go through when taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.Blessings,  Bill


Bill, my personal experience (FWIW) has been that when I have anxiety or âtensionâ over a new concept it is because I am trying to incorporate something that is not of the Spirit of God. Thus the concept and the Spirit are at war; conflicted.  Whenever I come into true revelation of a new concept I experience peace and joy.  Izzy

When I personally experience tension over a new concept, it is because I am ...............................................................................thinking.  Make of it what you will.   I do not like being wrong or poorly informed.  That is why, of coourse, such seldom is the case in my case.  Learning is a blast  --   fogging your way through personal bias in an effort to get at something deeper while continuing as a witness for Christ is the struggle for me.   Thank God the "gospel" message is profoundly simple.  Appreciating the Lord Jesus and doing what He did is central to this Message ( in a practical sense).  A message of hope, powerful in its simplicity, undefeatable in fact and affording the disciple a witness in spite of his own personal confusion about the "deeper" things. 



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