In a message dated 1/8/2005 4:53:45 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  He is 'saved" when he stops serving himself and begins the quest for expressed community and all the benefits that are associated with community.   Smithson


Smithson, what if his chosen âcommunityâ is Al Qaeda?  Izzy

Al Qaeda is not a religous choice, as far as I am concern.    There is nothing in Al Qaeda tha demonstrates the Lordhsip of Christ and His teachings. 

But what about Buddism?   Are Buddist's saved?

I would ask the question a little differenctly.   I would ask:  "Can a Buddist be saved?"
For me the answer is "yes."   If the Gentile in Romans 2 can be saved, why not the Buddist who does by nature, the things of the law?   It is important to me, that one uderstands that IF that Buddist is saved,  it is not because of his faith  --   it is because of the faith of Christ Jesus Himself.   There is salvation in none other.  On that we all agree. 

Does Dave Hansen agree?


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