On Thu, 20 Jan 2005 00:05:21 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Jesus was not street preacher.  
He spoke and taught in places that encouaged the exchange of ideas (such as a synagogue or, perhaps, the Temple courtyard). 
Crowds followed Him and presented opportunities for His teaching because He showered them with benevolent acts of compassion. 
He spoke harshly to those of his own,  believing that they were willfully blinded by their own sense of selfish ambition.  That
is the pattern.  
I have converted a few to Christ, the caring/open-the-door-to-opportunity/get-them-to-ask-the-question instead-of-me approach works. 

jt:I take it you are all for "friendship evangelism" but I don't see that in the life of Jesus or his disciples, that's not what the 70 were sent out for. I don't see Jesus or the apostles taking questions and answering in publicly. Paul may have done that while he was reasoning with people daily from the scriptures. People these days are so distracted with entertainment they may need to be jolted out of the mental fog they are in and God's anointing does rest upon His Word. Only He can shut down the voice of the enemy long enough for them to make a rational choice. <snip>
JD: It is amazing to me just how often you miss the point.    Anyway  -  the point is this:   Christ helped to create an audience .   DavidM wrote that street preaching was something like priming the pump for other s (preacher or teachers).  But, if you will  --  go back in the archieves and find that post where I lay into Kevin for anything except rudeness  --   and I don't recall doing that.  His exhanges with Dave H, as well as Perry's, have been informative  --  interesting read for me.  If DaveH is not complaining, and he is not,  then my lips are sealed.   I don't respond to the Mormon postings because Mormonism, at its base, is off the mark.   I hastened to add that my mother-in-law is Mormon and saved.   I have accepted DaveH's claim to the Christ  --  for what it is worth.   For the record,   there is no such thing as a right church.   Grace -  unmerited favor, Christ dying for us while we were yet sinners works for individuals and churches for the very same reason.   Consider the first church's example FROM THE BEGINNING;  immature, but zealous; often confused on issue;  divided but united   ---   all the reasons given for "starting over" existed IN THE FIRST CHURCH  --  RIGHT OFF THE BAT.   But I respect their faith  (DH And Blaine).   I just think the reason for their church is not a good one.  By the way,  I feel the same about Baptists, RCC, Assemply,  and so on.  John
jt: So you just see Mormonism as a "different church?"  Has your mother-in-law renounced the works of darkness, repented of following false gods and left that system?  You are not doing DaveH any favors by the statement above.  His soul is more important than us being 'nice' we need to call things what they are.  If you can't see the problem then possibly you are deceived in this area also John and need to do your homework.  We have no authority to pronounce people "saved"  It has to be between them and the Lord. all we can do is point them to "The Way" and encourage them in it - We can stand in faith for ourselves but until Jesus declares (at the end) those who belong to him - we speak presumptuously.  jt


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