I am not a Evangelical
Specifically Independent Baptist (IB)
Most SP's I know are "Bible Baptist"
I was a Ruckmanite before I knew who Ruckman was.
Ruckman's church & Bible Institute, are responsible for thousands of SP's, Pastors, and Missionaries all over the globe
Since my salvation, I have always believed the same doctrine. 
As far as IB SP's, There are thousands, I have met many.
There are a number of Independent Baptist churches that can have up to a hundred show up at an single event.
Recently I have associated with the World Wide Street Preachers Fellowship.
Fortunately some of these fellows have never been a GC.
Even some SP's are leary of SPF
Because of LDS undergarments at GC and Pigs at Muslim Fests, etc.
There is also a group of SP's associated with "Bible Believers" They come in every flavor. 
I would say there have been few if any Evangelical SP's
They are increasing  with the influence of Ray Comfort & Kirk Cameron

there are *evangelical approaches to evangelizing* on which not all evangelicals are agreeing, so what is *evangelical evangelizing*?
..also, how many street preachers involved in the SLC events discussed on TT are evangelical/s?
e.g., what about Kevin's position on 'evangelicals'; maybe he prefers to be understood in a non-evangelical category
..well, ftr perhaps Perry would delve into the background of his question to BB, below(?)
also, ppl like Kevin, perhaps other street preachers, too, will want to distinguish themselves on this underlying issue--we'll see
On Wed, 02 Feb 2005 07:09:34 -0800 Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> DAVEH:  Perry, I assume your reply means you really are not looking
> for an answer to your question posed at the very bottom[*]..to know how
> to *evangelize* Mormons.
[*]>>>>>>Blaine, please tell us what *evangelical approach* would
>>>>>>>work best with Mormons, especially at the General Conference.

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