If inspiration means anything at all, it has application only as the Spirit works in our lives through (in part) the reading of the comparative text.  

Right, The Holy Spirit can only work through the differing Greek Texts and a bunch of fat old men that Collate them!

In a message dated 2/3/2005 9:27:39 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Just curious, how many of these do you agree with?
Also: Which agrees more with Nestle's The NASB or the KJV?
I use NASB  --  but probably already know why. 
1. There is NO FINAL AUTHORITY but God.
God in others, God in person, God in the biblical message, God in providence, God in grace?  

2. Since God is a SPIRIT, there is NO FINAL AUTHORITY that can be seen, heard, read, felt or handled.
......... we toss the Bible(?)

3. Since all books are MATERIAL, there is NO BOOK ON THIS EARTH THAT IS THE FINAL AND ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY on what is right and what is wrong; what constitutes TRUTH and what constitutes ERROR.
So you don't believe the biblical message is authoritative?   No wonder you criticize the Bof M  -   you don't believe in any books?   Prove me wrong. 

4. There WAS a series of writings one time which, IF they had all been put into a BOOK as soon as they were written the first time, WOULD HAVE constituted an infallible and final authority by which to judge truth and error.
see - your problem, for starters, is that you think  --   well, actually, I don't have a clue.   I will tell you that the more I hang out here on TT, the weirder this place becomes.    You argue from a book you do not believe in and challenge those who study it to what end? 

5. However, this series of writings was LOST, and the God Who inspired them was UNABLE TO PRESERVE THEIR CONTENT through Bible-believing Christians at Antioch (Syria), where the first Bible teachers were (Acts 13:1), and where the first missionary trip originated (Acts 13:1-6), and where the word "CHRISTIAN" originated (Acts 11:26).
You are quoting a book you do not believe and I am suppose to rise and give applause?  In the beginning, I thought the "goofy" line was funny.   But now  -  you are one confused cookie.   You are either off the reservation or off your medication.  

6. So, God chose to ALMOST preserve them through Gnostics and philosophers from Alexandria, Egypt, even though God called HIS SON OUT of Egypt (Mat. 2), JACOB OUT of Egypt (Gen. 49), ISRAEL OUT of Egypt (Exod. 15), and JOSEPH'S BONES OUT of Egypt (Exod. 13).
THIS IS AWESOME AND HE EVEN QUOTES THE SCRIPTURES HAVING NO VARIFIABLE AUTHORITY TO PROVE HIS POINT.   I need to ask this question:   Did Blaine and Dave become Mormons before or after meeting you? 

7. So, there are two streams of Bibles: the most accurate - though, of course, there is NO FINAL, ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY FOR DETERMINING TRUTH AND ERROR: it is a matter of "preference" - are the Egyptian translations from Alexandria, Egypt, which are "almost the originals," although NOT QUITE.

8. The most INACCURATE TRANSLATIONS were those that brought about the GERMAN REFORMATION (Luther, Zwingli, Boehler, Zinzendorf, Spener, etc.) and the worldwide MISSIONARY MOVEMENT of the English speaking people: the Bible that Sunday, Torrey, Moody, Finney, Spurgeon, Whitfield, Wesley, and Chapman used.

9. But we can "tolerate" these if those who believe in them will tolerate US. After all, since THERE IS NO ABSOLUTE AND FINAL AUTHORITY THAT ANYONE CAN READ, TEACH, PREACH, OR HANDLE, the whole thing is a matter of "PREFERENCE." You may prefer what you prefer, and we will prefer what WE prefer: let us live in peace, and if we cannot agree on anything or everything, let us all agree on one thing: THERE IS NO FINAL, ABSOLUTE, WRITTEN AUTHORITY OF GOD ANYWHERE ON THIS EARTH.

I am going to have a beer. But, before I go  -  understand that textual criticism is vitally important for the very reasons (in part) that you present in this whatever it is .    we don't have the original text.   But we have a mountian of textual evidence.  If inspiration means anything at all, it has application only as the Spirit works in our lives through (in part) the reading of the comparative text.  


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