this is crucial--all posts carry interpretive baggage; obviously, jts 'science of intepretation', theologically, is not yours; also, she maintains that it's only her 'science of intepretation' that perfectly equates to 'rightly dividing the Word of Truth'
in the background, like 'stealth' is to a B1 bomber, the hermeneutic in play is that unlearnedness rules; in 'bible, bible, bible' posts laced with the authors' 'unlearnable' Truth, knowing without learning appears to be the operative hermeneutical dynamic
to account simultaneously for (e.g., jt's) aggressive anti-intellectual comments--parallel bias against those who know by or through learning together--requires some intelligence 
how could one cut through this w/o the foregoing assessment in play?
this is a high magnitude moderator conundrum--very complex; thanks for sticking with it, enquiring, etc.--its v helpful(!); hopefully the foregoing helps our readers to follow the discussion, too
On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 15:11:39 -0700 "Bill Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
And I still don't understand, for that matter, why [jt] would say such things, 

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