You have a problem that only the GREEK Salesman can solve

2 Tm 3 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 18:55:26 -0700 "Bill Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Terry wrote  >  I obviously see things in a much less complex manner than you, and I cannot quite grasp why it is so important to dissect every word and argue over things none of us can fully understand.  You were just as saved before you knew Greek as you are now. 
I think that when Paul wrote his letters that he simply expected them to be read.  I don't think he meant for them to be put under a microscope, or for people who claim Christ to foam at the mouth because we can't agree if a word means this or that.  I am afraid that Satan is using all this to drive a wedge between people who are commanded to love one another. You probably won't agree, but it is worth thinking about. Terry
jt: Right Terry, we are warned that striving about words because it is of no profit and it subverts the hearers (2 Timothy 2:14)
Bill says: Oh contrar, Terry. I do agree with you. When Paul wrote his letters, his readers could simply read them and they did not need to put them under a microscope, and this is because they spoke Greek and they lived in the culture relevant to those words. But now two thousand years later, in a culture far removed from theirs and speaking a language other than Greek, we have a responsibility to read Paul (and all Scripture) with the utmost care; and if that means arguing over the meaning of words, then thank God for those who have learned the language and preserved their meaning.
jt: You completely negate the ministry of the Holy Spirit in all of this Bill.  Jesus gave no qualifications having to do with language when he said the Comforter would reveal truth to His disciples and it is my belief that He is able to give understanding to all who are in Christ Jesus whether or not they know Hebrew and Greek.regardless.
Bill: Surely you will now also agree with me that it will not do for us to redefine words on whims just to make them fit with our arguments (which is what DeHaan did, and which is why I went to the effort of posting the definition of metecho from so many sources). To do that is as wrong as anything the SP types are up in arms about. And if left unchecked, it will have a far greater reaching detrimental effect on all of humanity than any of the behavioral sins. And this is because when words lose their meaning, we lose our standard by which to determine right from wrong behavior.
jt: Your point above validates 2 Timothy 2:14 Bill.  DeHaan was well meaning but he was trying to prove a point using his natural rather than a spiritual understanding - but this is all striving over Greek words does anyway.
Bill:  Oh, and was yours a nice way of saying that you disagree with Judy? I'll ask the question again: Do you believe that Jesus did not have two natures, that he was not fully God and fully man?
jt: Sure would be nice if some of these theologians had Terry's humility.


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