In like manner, a homosexual who comes to Christ and no longer commits
homosexuality should no
longer be called a homosexual.  Do you agree?


----- Original Message -----
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Mormons and Street Preachers

> Bill wrote:
> > The truth is that there are some who
> > have these tendencies who have not
> > or are no longer acting upon their
> > sexual desires. Whether they have
> > stopped that which was once their
> > lifestyle, or they have never acted
> > upon their desires in the first place,
> > the question remains: Why must they
> > necessarily be filthy, disgusting perverts?
> > I think Paul thought they did not have to
> > be; hence his statement: "And such were
> > some of you. But you were washed, but
> > you were sanctified, but you were justified
> > in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the
> > Spirit of our God."
> If an adulterer comes to Christ and no longer commits adultery, do we
> continue to call him an adulterer?  I think not.  In like manner, a
> homosexual who comes to Christ and no longer commits homosexuality should
> longer be called a homosexual.  Do you agree?
> The reason this is important is because there is this HUGE politically
> correct lie out there that homosexuals are born that way and that
> rights is a civil rights issue.  Laws are being changed all over the
> to add "sexual orientation" to their anti-discrimination laws.
> Homosexuality is defined by behavior just like the terms adultery and
> fornication.  If a female becomes born again, she is still a female, and
> a black person becomes born again, he is still a black person, but when a
> homosexual becomes born again, he is no longer a homosexual.
> is a sin, but being female or being black is not.  See the difference?
> Peace be with you.
> David Miller.
> ----------
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