On Sat, 26 Feb 2005 09:00:35 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Judy:Do you believe that God predestined some to damnation?
On Sat, 26 Feb 2005 06:44:48 -0700 "Bill Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
jt: To Karl Barth that is....  If "Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so" is Barth's most profound statement then we are wasting our time studying him.
I see you are still up to your old tactics, Judy. No one said that the above was Barth's "most profound statement."   
jt: Tactics Bill?  Why is whatever I write a tactic?  (I don't have a wrestling mindset) and someone did say this (this was spoken by Barth on his deathbed and is said to be the culmination of his life and work)
BT: Jesus loves you; this you know, for the bible tells you so. Pretty profound huh? Or is it darkness upon which you dwell? Bill
So why not go straight to the source?  jt
You mean like he did? Or perhaps I should ask you the same question I asked, Izzy. Do you know that Jesus loves you? I mean, I think he does, but do you have any basis for thinking the same?
jt: I don't really know what Karl Barth did or said - he may have been studying theologians himself; but I do know that Jesus loves me... because while I was his enemy - he died so that I might live - and now it is my turn to show my love for him by following His voice and by doing what He says.
I'll talk to you later; I'm off to a wrestling tournament. Go Andy!  Bill
On Sat, 26 Feb 2005 04:32:02 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
In a message dated 2/26/2005 1:28:01 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Barth, while dealing with the problem of the fall of man, near the beginning of his essay (this is not a Mexican greeting  -  essay Mon !?)  has t his to say: 

We will begin by stating that in all that we have to say at this point we cannot and must not deviate at any cost from the revelation or Word of God.    (Barth, Church Dogmatics, vi.1,  p478). 

Spoken like a true believer.  
His critics might try gving him a read before doing the work of the Father in judgment. 
jt: So far as I can tell noone is judging Barth the man.  As believers we have a responsibility to evaluate or "judge" if you like the things he
taught and wrote as the representative of God.

Also,    "The fall of man.  The term corresponds exactly to what we have learned to know as the essence of sin  -- 
the pride of man."
jt: I don't think so - there was no pride in the first Adam and his wife before they agreed in their hearts with the word of the adversary and began to be conformed to his image.
And the "Word of God" has this meaning to Barth  --   " ..........   by the Word and judgment of God we do not mean  a revealed theory of supernatural origin and content about man, but the address and claim of God concretely attested to [man]."    And, so, the "Word of God" has no single definition except the above.   The "word" is scripture, Jesus, that which is spoken by a true prophet of God,  that which is revealed through counsel, the still small voice,   a circumstance that cannot be misunderstood and the like.  
jt: To Karl Barth that is....  If "Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so" is Barth's most profound statement then we are wasting our time studying him.  Why not go straight to the source?  jt


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