Take a look at the picture on this page does Terri look like a vegatable?
Have you seen the video of her eyes following a balloon moved over her head
There are something like 12 doctors willing to testify that she is not in a vegatative state.

The Schindlers have long sought the removal of Michael Schiavo as Terri's guardian. Among the family's complaints are that Michael Schiavo:

  • Has not allowed therapy or rehabilitation since 1992, despite medical records indicating Terri is responsive.

  • Has prevented swallowing tests or swallowing therapy since 1993, despite medical testimony Terri can be taught to eat.

  • Ordered caretakers not to clean Terri's teeth since 1995, resulting in removal of five teeth in April 2004.

  • Placed Terri in hospice in 2000, despite the fact she is not terminally ill.

  • Refuses to allow Terri to leave her room. She has not been outside since 2000.

  • Ordered doctors not to treat Terri when she had a life threatening infection in 1993 and 1995.

"Michael claims he loves Terri, and he has said it on numerous occasions, but he treats her in a way I don't think most of us would treat our own pets," Bobby Schindler, Terri's brother, told WND.

ShieldsFamily <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I used to think they should just pull the plug on Terri because I believe that once a person is unable to eat on their own that’s the body’s way of saying it’s time to go—especially with the elderly.  I’ve seen the elderly kept living for years at the end of a feeding tube, curled up in a bed, totally gone mentally.  She can be given pain killers that will keep her from suffering as her body starves.  Keeping a feeding tube in a person is certainly an artificial means of interfering in nature taking its course.


Terri’s case, however, is so very complicated and I doubt I have all of the facts on it.  But I finally decided it is wrong to let her body die, for just one reason—to spare her parents.  Terri probably feels no emotions one way or the other about dying.  In fact, I think it would be kind to let her go on to whatever is her eternal reward.  But her husband has it in his power to spare her parents the double grief of losing their daughter twice—once when she was brain injured, and now this final parting.  He could have let her live at least until her parents passed on. My heart aches for them.  David Shiavo is thinking of himself, not of Terri’s parents.  And it seems that he stopped thinking about Terri long ago.  Izzy


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy Taylor
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 7:36 AM
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Cc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Terri Shiavo



There may be more to this story than meets the eye. I didn't see the Nightline interview but I did hear an interview with Terri Shiavo's brother on the radio yesterday in which he spoke of new evidence that is coming to light after 15yrs years. Apparently they found a full body scan taken three weeks after she went into the coma which shows multiple broken bones and mended fractures so abuse on the part of the husband is suspected along with the fact that he did not take long to move on with his life; within a year he was living with another woman by whom he now has two children.  Michael is wanting to get Terri's death over with so that he can have her body cremated, or at least this is how it appears. Why should it matter to him whether or not her parents and brother keep her alive if they are willing to take responsibility?  He can divorce her and go on with his life can't he?  jt



On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 07:02:46 -0600 Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Michael very likely took a vow to love his wife until they were  separated by death.  I am not too surprised that he did not take the money.  I am surprised that he wants to kill someone that he took for  better or worse. Terry

David Miller wrote:
Did any of you get a chance to see Nightline's interview with Michael Shiavo?  I'm wondering if any of you support Michael Shiavo's desire not to allow Terri's parents and brother to keep feeding her.  Are any of you surprised that he has turned down $10 million and $1 million offers to let the parents have custody of her?  Peace be with you. David Miller

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