Citizens of Earth

The human population of earth having been found in a state, of rebellion and guilty of gross crimes against the person and creation of God including the public humiliation and execution of His Son, the King of kings and Lord of lords, has been sentenced to death, and eternal banishment from the Kingdom of Heaven in acordance with divine Law.

However the Father of Jesus has declared a period of grace during which Rebels may renounce their treason and acknowledge that Jesus is both Christ and Lord.

The Eternal Word of God became a man born of woman, fulfilled the word spoken by the prophets concerning Him, witness being born of Him by the Holy Spirit with signs and miracles, was handed over to sinful men according to the plan of God, bearing in His own body the punishment due us. This same Jesus whom we tortured and crucifed, God bodily raised from the dead as proof that Jesus is indeed both Lord and the Christ.

It is only by believing that Jesus is the Christ of God and relying only on His works of righteousness, placing no hope in our own goodness can we be forgiven of our rebellion against, God and be reconciled to Him. Those doing so will receive a full pardon and adoption into the family of God as Sons and and joint heirs with Christ..

Rebels not taking advantage of this period of grace will recieive Justice rather than Mercy and will be dealt with accordingly.


Note: this offer is subject to termination without notice.

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