PS 1:4 "The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away"

C H Spurgeon Treasury of David PS 7 Verse 11. "God judgeth the righteous," he hath not given thee up to be condemned by the lips of persecutors. Thine enemies cannot sit on God's throne, nor blot thy name out of his book. Let them alone, then, for God will find time for his revenge.
    "God is angry with the wicked every day." He not only detests sin, but is angry with those who continue to indulge in it. We have no insensible and stolid God to deal with; he can be angry, nay, he is angry to-day and every day with you, ye ungodly and impenitent sinners. The best day that ever dawns on a sinner brings a curse with it. Sinners may have many feast days, but no safe days. From the beginning of the year even to its ending, there is not an hour in which God's oven is not hot, and burning in readiness for the wicked, who shall be as stubble.

Verse 12. "If he turn not, he will whet his sword." What blows are those which will be dealt by that long uplifted arm! God's sword has been sharpening upon the revolving stone of our daily wickedness, and if we will not repent, it will speedily cut us in pieces. Turn or burn is the sinner's only alternative. "He hath bent his bow and made it ready."

Verse 11. "God is angry." The original _expression_ here is very forcible. The true idea of it appears to be, to froth or foam at the mouth with indignation. Richard Mant, D.D., 1824.

Caroline Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It is out of love that He judges us. How else will we know what we're doing isn't right or hurting somebody or opening doors for Satan? But when we repent (which can run the gamut from realizing we're wrong to being devastated by what we did), He forgives. And then He teaches us the right way.
All credit to Brian McLaren for saying God saves by judging, then forgiving and teaching. It is an ongoing dynamic relationship.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2005 9:01 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] God's Hate and God's Wrath

isn't there an eschatological tension (perhaps) betw the loving God (loving) and the loving God judging..e.g. Jn 3:17 ff.?
your perception of it?
On Sun, 20 Mar 2005 00:31:26 -0600 "Caroline Wong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Judge Judy?

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