Title: Carolines Blog - Today's Post
----- Original Message -----
Sent: March 30, 2005 13:04
Subject: Carolines Blog - Today's Post

March 30, 2005
when cats fight
One morning, as I was blearily coming to consciousness, I became aware of my cat (the fat one pictured to the --->) hoping up and down by my feet, pawing the comforter and the footboard. How cute, she's dancing, I thought. Then I thought, wait a minute, isn't that her litter box routine? Then I saw the poop. Yup, the cat had just used my bed as a litter box. With me still in it.

So I spanked her little bottom and rubbed her face in it.
Of course, I DID NOT do that. Cat psychologists say cats do not benefit from punishment; it only teaches them fear, not what is right or what is wrong. I knew my cats were in the middle of a dominance struggle and this is a feline battle strategy. Alex(andra) was laying claim to Jenny's preferred sleeping spot in the same 'scorched-earth' manner of Alexander the Great. Note to self: never name pets after world conquerors.

I hopped out of bed and washed everything in detergent and enzymatic cleaners to remove all traces of her sin. Then I instilled in them the belief that the bed is not a litter box by feeding and playing with them there. Then I declared an end to their little war by establishing a clear line of dominance. Me first, then Alex (the little rotter) and then sweet Jenny. Whoever said the meek shall inherit the earth? Oh yeah, it was Jesus.

The experts agree that the most aggressive animal should be the dominant one unless I was willing to mess with their brain chemistry by feeding valium to one and serotonin to the other. But there are limits to how far I'm willing to go in the interest of social justice.

Well, it's been a number of years since then and both cats live peaceably, as peaceably as two fallen creatures can, only putting up the occasional fight for my entertainment. Alex now sleeps in the spot she claimed and Jenny has found a new spot by my side. They eat from the same food bowl and drink from the same water dish and have been known to kiss each other in greeting.

I was thinking last night how differently and strangely each of us hear and understand God when this incident bubbled up from my subconscious. Quite often when someone talks about what God said to them, God's words are layered and infused with judgment, condemnation and wrath. Quite often, I think this is not the voice of God I heard.

So somewhere in Mississauga, Ontario lives a crazy cat lady who is patient and understanding with her cats, who never freaks out on them and start beating them up. Somewhere in Mississauga, Ontario, there are two cats who do not spend their days in fear, alternately avoiding and fighting their owner. And their God is far more loving, gracious, kind, merciful and understanding than she is.

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