Lance wrote:
>> IFF no amount of Scriptural support for another
>> understanding will EVER see any one of you alter
>> your position then, how are we to engage one another?

John wrote:
> I would be interested in Linda Shields answer to Lance's question
> above  ----  as well as Terry's, Millers, Deegan's and Judy Taylor's.

It is a faulty question, John, because the premise is wrong.  Terry, Kevin, 
Judy, Linda and me all submit unto Scripture.  Nevertheless, if his premise 
were true and he were dealing with people who do not submit unto Scripture, 
then he is left with discovering if there is any standard or authority that 
moves them.  His arguments would then have to be couched using premises 
respected by the persons he is speaking with.

Lance quotes Torrance and some other theologians the way we quote Scripture. 
The problem is that many of us find great fault with Torrance's knowledge 
and premises.  This last post quoting Torrance showed a terrible disregard 
for history and the prophets of Scripture.  It might make Lance feel good to 
hear this pillow prophet, but it does not comfort those of us who have a 
healthy fear of God from our knowledge of Scripture and history.  We are 
offended that Torrance would so misrepresent God to a lost and dying world.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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