On being 'smarter' (your word): No, just smarter than you. God, in reality, comes closer to agreeing with KB on this one.
He (Jesus) is THE WORD OF GOD. If, by the by, you are in need of a paddle, I'm sure that someone on TT could be of assistance.
On 'feeling the Spirit moving in you'. This warrants more discussion than I'm prepared to give it just now. (See an earlier reference (yours) James 1. This for the Mormons, whom I but, not necessarily God, believe to be anti-Christians view as a 'touchstone' (pun intended).
I believe KB to have had an extremely high view of Scripture as do I. So then, as to where we go from here? Well..to Him through His Word/Words.  
----- Original Message -----
Sent: April 05, 2005 07:10
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Narrow way not " loving"?

On Tue, 5 Apr 2005 06:32:42 -0400 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Response to my portion:'what Jesus says about it' (to read:my particular understanding'interpretation of..) Amen by the way as He was, is and, will be the truth. That was Karl Barth's point in the fictitious interview.
KB: The short answer is not always. But it's more complicated than that. I'll get to that, but for now let me just say that it contains quite a few errors of fact. The best that you can say in that regard is that it is true as a whole.
So Karl Barth is smarter than God?  He knows facts that are not in God's Word?
Stu: What are we to do, then--- if it contains errors !?

KB: You are placing your faith in the text of the bible, printed in a book. The book an object made of paper, ink and a cover. You want to be careful not to worship such an object, for it's not God. It's just a book.
This is not just paper, ink, and a cover - It is the Word of God about  which the Psalmist wrote "I will praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth, for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name"  I sure am thankful that the Jews had better sense than Karl Barth or we would all be up the creek without a paddle.
Stu: But that's all we have.

KB: Not at all. If you can feel the spirit moving in you, you have faith in Jesus Christ.
This is Barth's standard of faith?  What if it is a spirit of anti-Christ moving in you?  True faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God; How can you know what kind of spirit is moving in you apart from the Word of God? - How do you know it is the holy one?  Being led by spirits and feelings is following after sensuality.
Stu: I don't see the connection.
KB: [ picking up the bible] Listen to this, from Jesus, in John 14:26. " I will send you the Holy Spirit, who will teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said said to you."
Aside from scripture Jesus has said nothing to our generation Lance - so where do you go from here?  Do you just wait to feel some spirit moving in you?  Wait for some existential encounter?
Stu: So what's true is not the text itself, it's the existential encounter with the Holy Spirit, during the reading of the text, through which God's message is transmitted to us.

Not as I like it - but what Jesus says about it.  He's either the Truth or He isn't.  Sadly it appears His Words don't carry much weight these days in some circles.  As for DavH's observation - why would you think that these are Christian ppl Dave?  Jesus told the 'sons of thunder' who wanted to call down fire on some Samaritans that "they didn't know what spirit they were of" so what has changed?  Apparently the disciples repented because they continued on with Him.  Ppl who are eager to consign others to hell these days most likely have an anger problem.  Sharon Rocha told Scott Peterson that the devil wouldn't even have him and one of Laci's siblings said they hoped he would burn in hell.  So far I've seen no indication that this family are Christian - so anger and grief over their loss is understandable.  God is glorified however, when a crime is committed against a 'believer' and they publicly forgive; or as we saw just recently in  Georgia where a young widow apprehended by a rapist who had just killed five ppl was able to stay calm and read passages from The Purpose Driven Life to him because of her faith in Christ; this is the fruit of righteousness.  jt
On Tue, 5 Apr 2005 05:55:48 -0400 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
OK, 'as you like it'.
Not so Lance, I have it on good authority that it is out of the abundance that fills the heart that the mouth speaks (Matt 12:34, Luke 6:45) - Discernment 101  jt
On Tue, 5 Apr 2005 05:16:42 -0400 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
'They' are, in reality, saying/meaning what you've ascribed to them. Their hearts are more gracious than their words, however.
DAVEH:   My latest post is in GREEN......
DAVEH:  Not at all Izzy.  I see Christians as being eager when they use a phrase like "I hope you burn in hell" when they disagree with the actions or beliefs of others.  While you may not have had such feelings about non Christians, Izzy....I suspect there are a lot of Christians who do feel that way.  I quick net search and found numerous references to such eager Christians, Izzy.  Here's an excerpt....

The "misunderstood" ADF headline incited over 3000 hate messages to the school, ranging from the more benign, "I hope you burn in Hell for all eternity," to the more sinister late night calls like, "I know where you live and you work at that God forsaken school." We had two sheriffs full time on campus for two months, and it scared the daylights out of our children. 

.........Do you think there have been any TTers who've hoped for such, Izzy?   If so, I would suggest they meet the eager definition.


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