Bill Taylor wrote:
> "Any parent who would not send their wicked son
> to the damnation of hell would be a wicked parent."
> Maybe DaveH reads words like these and infers from
> them an eagerness on the part of certain Christians
> to consign others to the burning damnation of hell.

Sometimes I think some here do not understand the way of the cross.  The 
life of self denial is one where we do not do what we want but what God 
wants.  We do not judge right and wrong based upon what we are eager to do, 
but upon what God commands us to do (either through the Spirit within or 
through the Scriptures).

As I remember it, the context of this statement was that our RELUCTANCE to 
send our wicked children to hell reveals our own iniquity because the law of 
God commands us to bring the incorrigible children to the elders for 
stoning.  This statement in no way conveys the idea that we are eager to 
send others to hell.  Just the opposite.  Our lack of eagerness to do so is 
because we ourselves are wicked.  We want to justify ourselves by forgiving 
and justifying our children when they do not deserve it.  On the other hand, 
God has no such reticence because he is holy and pure.

Do you remember the story of Eli?  Not enough time to comment on his 
situation with his sons right now, but I suspect you know the story well 
enough to gain some insight through the Spirit.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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