Just pondering some of these different teachings ..... JD, you write:
Kruger is not into universalism - and you do not understand his teachings, - I know he does not deal with sin. 
JD much less mine or - You don't either JD, you are into the "greater context" to which image all scripture must be wrested.
Bill's or - Bill has a foundation in Calvinism upon which is built the "incarnation" error  which saves the whole world.
Lance's.or - Who knows what Lance's teaching is since he mainly quotes from old movies.
Deb or - Deb sounds more philosophical than anything, and we are warned about vain philosophies.
Caroline or - A lapsed Baptist who is now embracing Universalism and the "greater context"
G or - Who knows what "G" is about other than smoke and mirrors.
Jonathan.- Jonathan takes up an offence over orthodoxy, picks up his ball and goes home
I don't think you understand Miller's -  I accept him as a brother and am blessed by what he writes.
Izzy - Why did you leave Izzy off your list JD? I am also regularly blessed by what Sister Izzy posts
Terry - Why isn't Terry on the list - some of his observations are priceless...
Me - You simply believe what you want to believe and nothing will change that - I prove all things and hold fast to that which is good.
I suspect that you understand even less of Torrance - I know enough to know I don't want to know any more.
I am certain that Barth is someone you have never read or studied - What would make me want to? 
preferring your own brand of theological understanding over others - Excuse me JD - At the end when I am judged by Jesus Words (John 12:48) I will stand or fall upon what I alone accept or reject and that's just the way it is JD - there will be no pastor or self styled theologian standing beside me to hold me up so I determine to hear and obey the one who counts..  

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