John wrote:
>>> In Galatians, Paul makes clear the teaching
>>> on holy days  --   there are none.

David Miller wrote:
>> Can you elaborate on this, John?  What specific
>> passage did you have in mind?

John wrote:
> Gal. 2:19;  4: 9-11;  Romans 14 (where the "weak
> or wrong brother is the one who honors one day
> over another)

I am very curious about your thinking on this.  I truly hope that my 
questions do not cause you to get upset with me.  Why is the weak brother 
the wrong brother in your eyes?  I don't see it that way.  The teaching of 
Jesus in Rev. 2:20 sides with the "weaker brother" so how could he be 
"wrong."  Also, the Galatians passage does not condemn honoring holy days. 
Paul himself honored holy days.  Surely you recognize this in Scripture. 
What Paul was concerned about was the idea that disciples could be perfected 
in their Christian walk by observing holy days.

John wrote:
>>> The eating of meats?   No reason to NOT eat except,
>>> of course, the conscience of some believers.....................
>>> while eating in their presence, of course.

David Miller wrote:
>> I hope you don't think Paul advocated eating meat
>> offered to idols in private.

John wrote:
> Paul knows that an "idol" is a piece of wood or a stone
> --  it is not real.   there are not other gods   ---  I am quite
> sure that when Paul sat down to eat, he did not ask of the
> meats "origins"

Not asking about it is one thing.  I agree with you on that point.  However, 
if Paul knew that the meat was offered to idols, you don't think he ate it, 
even in private, do you?

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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