Jesus is the ONLY Begotten son
I can not agree with your understanding of literal as defined herein.
DAVEH:  Do you think Jesus could have done what he did as God IF he did not have a physical body?
When did Jesus become a god? After his ressurection? Or at his birth when he recieved a body? How is the Holy Spirit a god without a body?
 DH As a physically begotten child born into this world, is not Jesus the literal Only Begotten Son of God?
So how did this physical begetting take place & who was involved?

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Kevin Deegan wrote:
DAVEH:  They could be spirit children of God, either literally or adopted.  But that would different than one who is a physically begotten son.  I do not recall Scripture referring to spirit children as being begotten.  Do you recall such
So one can be a physically begotten spirit? Another a Spiritually (literal) begotten spirit child?
Is a physically begotten son, physical? eg. has a tabernacle of Flesh? 
DAVEH:  That Jesus is the ONLY BEGOTTEN SON of God.  Are you the literal son of your father, Kevin?  If your father begat you, then I would understand you to be his literal son, much as Seth was the literal son of Adam as mentioned in Gen 6:4......
So all the spirit children of the Father are LITERAL children by this measure.
DAVEH:  They would be literal spirit children of God.  As a physically begotten child born into this world, is not Jesus the literal Only Begotten Son of God?  The rest of us can claim to be literal spirit children of God.  Or, as I understand your position...we can be a sort of adopted child of God if we are born again as a Christian.  Am I portraying that correctly, Kevin?
Does a god require a Physical Body?
DAVEH:  Do you think Jesus could have done what he did as God IF he did not have a physical body?

    So Kevin.......Did you ever answer my question........

do you agree with the author that Jesus is not the literal Son of God???


Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Kevin Deegan wrote:
DAVEH:   Thanx for the load Kevin, but you did seemingly overlook one aspect of my post.  So, do you agree with the author that Jesus is not the literal Son of God???
IN LDS Theology: If Jesus is the "Literal" Son of God, what is the difference between me  & Him?
Are all other sons of God NOT literal?
DAVEH:  They could be spirit children of God, either literally or adopted.  But that would different than one who is a physically begotten son.  I do not recall Scripture referring to spirit children as being begotten.  Do you recall such?
What makes it Literal?
DAVEH:  That Jesus is the ONLY BEGOTTEN SON of God.  Are you the literal son of your father, Kevin?  If your father begat you, then I would understand you to be his literal son, much as Seth was the literal son of Adam as mentioned in Gen 6:4......

And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years:  and he begat sons and daughters.

.......So, wouldn't you agree that Seth is a literal son of Adam, since Adam begat him?

What is the difference between "Only Begotten" & Literal?
DAVEH:   I think I answered it above, though I'm not happy with the way I phrased it.  If you want me to try it again, let me know.  A good night's sleep might clear some of the cobwebs residing in my mental mush.

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
DAVEH:   Thanx for the load Kevin, but you did seemingly overlook one aspect of my post.  So, do you agree with the author that Jesus is not the literal Son of God???

Dave Hansen
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