Blaine:  But if God called you to the work, the message would of necessity be new scripture, because God authored it, and, according to you, He said it.  That is all scripture is--a message direct from God to man, and then written down.  See the problem with your reasoning?  If you guys didn't write it down, then I have reason to doubt you received it in the first place. 
In a message dated 5/14/2005 10:00:45 PM Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Blaine:  Sorry, Kevin, but I still don't see it.  Granted, the prophets of the OT were called upon by the Lord to do some strange things, strange probably even in those times.  The difference as I see it is that they did what they did at the command of the Lord.  You guys claim there is no new revelation, so how can you possibly be claiming that the Lord directed you to do any of those things.  You boys stand in your own light, which is on dim--very very dim.  :-)
God still speaks to men, Blaine.  He calls them to do His work.  There is no new scripture.
See the difference?

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